Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Rookie Mistakes

Rookie Mistake #1. Buying a whole loaf of broad.
There is a reason that most loaves are sold as "half" loaves - they get moldy very quickly! Everything is fresh so that most things don't last long (even when you put it in the fridge).
Note to self: buy nifty "half" loaves. This one has 10 slices and is delicious!

Rookie Mistake #2. Paying to use the toilet at the train station
I was running really late the other morning and I missed my train to work (Luckily, I had planned on taking an early train, so I ended up not being late for work, just a little rushed.) With some time to kill at the train station, I decided to visit the bathroom. I walked in and realized that it cost €0.50.  It is not uncommon to pay to use a public bathroom in Germany. I put my 50 cent euro coin in the machine and it got stuck. That really put me in a bind. My German vocabulary of numbers and greetings wouldn't help me to explain, "I paid, I swear, but the door won't open." A euro coin wasted. Once my train arrived, I remembered that there were bathrooms on the trains. The bathrooms on the train are free and very clean. Why didn't I think of that earlier?

#3. Purchasing individual train tickets
Trains are surprisingly very expensive here, but they get you to the most remote parts of Germany. To save money, always buy group tickets or multi-day tickets. While in Munich, Damian and I paid 14 total to ride the trains for 3 days and we could've had three other people with us for free.
I have bought many individual round-trip tickets to work each worth €15.40 - Yikes! Buying multi-packs cuts that cost in half.

#4. Assuming it wouldn't be so bad to find an apartment
We are still looking...
Damian heard on the news last week that the government was asking home owners to rent out their spare rooms to university students since there is such a problem with housing here.

I am useless in our searches too...I wish I knew German!

#5. Going an entire month without a bike
I found a bike with a sign on it for 50 and a phone number. Damian called and met with the owner. He was able to negotiate it to 40. Now I have a bike and I rode it to the train station yesterday- AMAZING. My 30 minute walk is now a bike ride of less than 10 minutes!

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